The online resource for NUJ London magazine journalists
Date and time: Monday 24 January, 6.30 pm
The rising cost of living and pay claims
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With Pamela Morton, NUJ National Organiser – Magazines, Books and Wales
According to latest headlines, the cost of living crisis could soon eclipse partygate. RPI is now at 7.1%, with workers facing soaring bills and council tax and national insurance rises.
At this month’s meeting, National Organiser Pamela Morton will lead a discussion on the rising cost of living and how members can negotiate pay rises to keep up with inflation.
Look forward to seeing you there.
All the best
NUJ London Magazine Branch Committee
For any queries please contact Branch Chair Caroline Price on
Visit the branch website:
Branch motion
Motion on fighting racism
This branch notes
1) The government’s use of racist policies designed to create division and weaken resistance to the rising cost of living.
2) Stand Up To Racism’s Fighting For Anti-Racist Workplaces conference of 5 February, and its organisation of three demonstrations on UN anti-racism day, Saturday 19 March, in London, Glasgow and Cardiff.
3) The TUC’s backing for both the conference and the demonstrations.
4) The NUJ’s policy of backing anti-racist initiatives.
This branch resolves
1) To send two delegates to the conference at a cost of £6.00 each
2) To send a delegation with the branch banner on the London demonstration, and send out a specific message to members encouraging them to attend.