The online resource for NUJ London magazine journalists
Dear Magazine Branch members
Hope you are all keeping well. Please see details of our upcoming February branch meeting and a reminder about the Branch AGM in March below.
With guest speaker from the Zero Covid campaign (
Time: Monday 22 February, 6.30 pm – 8.00 pm
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At this month’s branch meeting we will be discussing how the UK can best overcome the pandemic and the potential for a zero Covid strategy.
After nearly a year of lockdowns, can we learn anything from countries that pursued an alternative strategy to dealing with the pandemic?
The UK’s national Covid-19 vaccination programme is offering hope that we can prevent serious illness and deaths from the virus.
But many leading scientists are warning that vaccination alone is not enough, and that we need to implement other measures to drive down infections and safely leave lockdown.
Moreover, they argue a so-called ‘zero-Covid’ strategy to completely suppress the virus and use a robust test, trace and isolate programme to control further outbreaks will allow society to open up sooner and avoid future lockdowns.
Why do we need a zero Covid strategy and what would it involve? Can it work in the UK? And why should Trade Unions support the approach?
To explore these questions our speaker from the Zero Covid campaign will lead off the discussion. He is a former journalist and NUJ London Magazine Branch member, who now works in the legal sector, and is a member of the steering committee of the Zero Covid campaign.
The branch has received a motion for debate on affiliating to the Zero Covid campaign (see below).
A reminder that next month’s meeting will be the AGM where we review the branch’s activities and processes, and elect a new branch committee for the next 12 months.
Please do get in touch with the Branch chair / secretary (details below) with your ideas for how the branch can better serve members and put yourself forward for a branch officer role – we are really keen for greater participation and representation on the committee.
This branch notes the tragic death toll due to SARS-COV2, with >100,000 dead from the virus, due to the catastrophic failures in the UK approach to the pandemic.
It also notes:
The branch resolves to affiliate to the Zero Covid campaign to help build a movement to beat the pandemic in the most equitable way possible.
The cost of affiliation is £25 per year.
Proposed: Adam DC
For any queries please contact Branch Chair Caroline Price on or Branch Secretary Cristina Lago –
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